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Practice Areas

We help our clients find the best pathway to resolving your family and marital needs, whether through negotiation, collaborative practice, mediation or traditional litigation.

Divorce and Separation

Divorce and Separation

Our lawyers provide caring and experienced legal representation designed  to work with our clients to settle their matters amicably or, if necessary, to vigorously advocate for our clients while we navigate the case through the courts and help them achieve their goals. 


​From beginning to end, we work closely with our client’s to ensure that their best interests and those of their children are safeguarded  during and after the divorce process.  We also focus on the financial aspects of our client’s divorce or separation  to ensure that all property is accounted for and divided properly, that proper spousal support is in place, and that retirement, insurance and tax issues are resolved.

We have extensive experience in the below practice areas relating to divorce and separation:

  • Custodial Rights & Parenting Plans

  • Child Support

  • Relocation

  • International Custody & Support Issues

  • Pre & Post Divorce Estate Planning

  • Equitable Distribution

  • ​Spousal Support

  • Enhanced Earnings

  • Executive Compensation

  • Complex Financial Matters

  • Same Gender Relationships

  • Enforcement & Post-Judgment Modifications


Negotiation, Collaborative Practice and Mediation

There are many ways to resolve a family matter and we understand and respect the intricacies of family relationships and aim to preserve those relationships rather than tear them apart.  We recognize that for most clients the goal is to come to a Win-Win resolution that enables all members of the family to move forward with their lives, while minimizing both the financial and emotional toll that inevitably results when families are in conflict.  Reaching an amicable resolution usually results in creative resolutions designed to achieve individual needs and goals, and sometimes tax advantages. 

We have a deep understanding of the benefits of various dispute resolution processes and guide and offer our clients the option of resolving issues using traditional Negotiation, Collaborative Practice and Mediation.

  • In a traditional Negotiation counsel for each party formulates settlement alternatives with their respective client.  The attorneys then work with each other towards reaching an agreeable settlement, with the understanding that if a settlement is not reached, the dispute will proceed to court.


  • In Collaborative Practice  the parties and counsel work together in a team approach to reach an agreement outside of court.  It is a team approach that may also employ neutral financial professionals, parent coaches and mental health professionals. 


  • In Mediation, the parties work with a neutral mediator who helps them reach an agreement, which is reviewed by independent counsel of each party.


Prenuptial, Postnuptial, Living Together and Separation Agreements

New York’s Domestic Relations Law recognizes the rights of parties to enter in legally binding agreements to determine family related rights and obligations.  These agreements are an important and valuable tool available for the resolution of family related matters, providing  privacy and certainty.  However, they  are comprehensive agreements that have long lasting consequences.

We strive to provide our clients with vigorous legal representation before entering into any of the below agreements:

  • Prenuptial agreements are binding contracts entered into prior to marriage and are designed  to protect assets and defined support obligations  in the event of a divorce or death of one of the parties. 


  • Postnuptial agreements are binding contracts between parties who are already married, who do not want to divorce,  but who want to define financial rights and custody in the event of a divorce.


  • Living Together agreements are binding contracts  between two people who do not want to enter into a legal marriage, but who want to define financial rights in the event the relationship comes to an end.


  • Separation or settlement agreements are binding contracts between spouses that set forth specific details of their separation or divorce, including division of assets, support, custody, parental access and child support.

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